PaletteOnChain is randomly generated color palette and stored on chain. This is an experiment in on-chain art, where the metadata of the NFT art and the image itself are stored on the Ethereum blockchain, instead of using a decentralized storage service such as IPFS.
PaletteOnChain generates 1,000 color palettes as NFTs. Each palette has 5 colors. This palette can be used as a color base by others to create new generative art.
The generated palettes are displayed in thegallerypage.
Fair Distribution
- Generate only once per address (fair mint)
- Palette Generation is free (only gas)
- Verified Contract (view source code)
Next Plan
I'm currently creating a new on-chain art using the PaletteOnChain color palette, and only PaletteOnChain holders will be able to get this.
And I plan to write some documentation about Testnet so that others can create new works using PaletteOnChain.
This work is inspired by "Loot" and "[sol]Seedlings" projects, "randomColor" library. Thanks to everyone who created these wonderful works.